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Ensure that once you have identified the most significant opportunities, you convert them into the maximum growth.


AskDeves provides a selection of customisable workshops that tackle the most common opportunities but please get in touch if you think we can support you in other areas.

Group Seflie

Landing a Coaching Culture

Create a workplace where everyone is empowered to grow

This workshop will provide you with the tools and resources you need to get started. We will cover the following topics: What is a coaching culture, the benefits and how to implement coaching practices. There will be ample opportunity to practice coaching skills and receive feedback from your peers.

Storytelling & Narrative Building

Master the art of storytelling and build powerful narratives

This workshop will help your team to improve their storytelling and narrative building skills. We will cover topics such as the importance of storytelling in business, how to create a compelling narrative, how to use storytelling to connect with your audience and how to tell stories that are both informative and engaging.

A group of women at a business meeting
Group of Women

Establishing a Team Identity

Build a strong team with a shared purpose and vision

In this workshop, teams will establish their values, purpose and goals. They will also develop a shared understanding of their strengths and weaknesses, and how they can work together to achieve their objectives. The workshop will be facilitated by an experienced coach, and will include a variety of activities and exercises to help teams build trust, communication, and collaboration.

Gallup® CliftonStrengths®

Unlock the power of your team by understanding one another

Perfect for teams of all sizes and industries, this workshop will help your team understand each others strengths and areas for development. Work together to build a more effective and productive team while super charging communication and collaboration.

Support Group Meeting
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